Adding or Editing Resource Supply Details

The Resource Supply subtab displays the work center resources that are available within the selected horizon. To run resource supply scenarios, planners can change these standard supply values.

To add or edit resource supply details:

  1. Go to Advanced Manufacturing > Capacity Planning > Capacity Planning.

  2. Select a Location from the list.

  3. Click List.

  4. Click Edit beside the plan you want to update.

  5. Enter the number of Std. Days.

    Standard days represent the time it takes an average skilled operator, working at a normal pace, to perform a specified task using a defined method.

  6. Enter a Head Count.

    The number of people assigned to the operation.

  7. Enter Labor Shift Hours.

    The number of hours the people assigned to the operation work in a day.

  8. Enter the number of Machines required.

  9. Enter the Machine Shift Hours.

    The number of hours the machines assigned to the operation are active in a day.

  10. Click Add.

    • Click Insert to add another order.

    • Click Remove to delete the selected order.

  11. Click Save the Plan.

    The following fields are recalculated:

    • Total Daily Labor

    • Period Labor Hours

    • Total Daily Machine

    • Period Machine Hours

  12. To assign the corresponding supply resources to the plan, click the Resource Supply button.

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