Generating Item Fulfillments for Mexico Foreign Trade

You can generate an Item Fulfillment from a Transfer Order or a Sales Order for Mexico. For more information, see Order Fulfillment.


To generate an item fulfillment for Mexico:

  1. Fill the required information in the Item Fulfillment transaction form.

    1. In the Primary Information field group, check the SAT Foreign Trade box.

    2. When filling the Item sublist, verify that the SAT Item Code field is populated.

    3. On the E-Document subtab:

      • Make sure the e-document template selected corresponds to the PAC that your administrator has configured for this customer.

      • Make sure the sending method selected corresponds to the appropriate sending method (channel) defined for sending e-documents to this customer (for example, email).

      • To create a PDF version of the transaction record when the XML file is generated, check the Generate PDF box.

    4. On the CFDI Information subtab, select an option from the drop-down list for following fields required by the SAT:

      • CFDI Usage

      • SAT Payment Method

      • SAT Payment Term

    5. On the Related CFDI subtab, you can associate other CFDIs with this transaction.

  2. When you have entered all required information, click Save.

    The system updates the transaction record and a Generate E-Document button appears at the top.

  3. Click Generate E-Document.

    • If the e-document has been successfully generated, the Certify E-Document button appears on the record. At this point, the e-document is not yet certified.

      • You can view and download the XML file under the Generated E-Document, on the E-Document subtab.

      • On the same subtab, you can view and download the PDF file reference under the Generated PDF.


        This is a PDF version of the generated e-document, not a preview of the certified PDF. To view the certified PDF (with the localized layout), you must first certify the file (step 4).

      • The E-Document Audit Trail on the E-Document subtab provides further details of the generated e-document.

    • If the generation failed, check the generation error details on the E-Document Audit Trail. You must first fix the errors before you can regenerate the e-document.

  4. Click Certify E-Document to submit the XML e-document for certification.

    In the certification process, NetSuite connects to the PAC through web service. Then the PAC validates catalog codes and communicates with the SAT, which validates the integrity of the XML.

    • If the XML is valid, the SAT certifies the file and returns it to the PAC, which then sends it back to NetSuite.

      • The E-Document Status field on the E-Document subtab indicates the status of the certification process.

      • Integration details are logged on the E-Document Audit Trail.

      • You can view and download the certified XML file (CFDI) under the Certified E-Document field, on the E-Document subtab.

      • On the same subtab, you can view and download the certified PDF file from the Generated PDF field.

    • If certification fails, details of errors are logged on the E-document Audit Trail. You must then fix the errors identified and regenerate the e-document.

  5. To send the certified e-documents (certified XML and certified PDF) to your customers, vendors or any third party, click Send E-Document.. The e-document is sent through the sending method that you have selected on the transaction (step 1).

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