Management of Translation Strings Distributed Through SDF

You can use SDF to distribute translation strings for supported translatable fields.

You can manage these translation strings in the Manage Translations application.

For these translation strings, you can also create references to collections and parent strings.

For more information, see Translatable Fields on SDF Custom Objects.

For more information about the Manage Translations application, see Manage Translations.

Translatability Support for Workbooks

Workbooks are translatable and can be distributed through SDF.

For more information about Manage Translations, see Translation Statistics.

Validation of Translation Strings Distributed Through SDF

As of NetSuite 2021.2, SDF supports two new types of validation for translation strings: length and uniqueness.

SDF validations are performed on translation strings linked to translatable fields, such as custom list names. These validations occur during installation of SuiteApps that include these translatable fields. These validations verify that the length of strings does not exceed translatable field limits and that each string is unique.

For a list of the uniqueness constraints and length restrictions for each of the translatable fields, see Uniqueness Constraints and Length Restrictions in Translatable Fields.

The uniqueness is validated by checking the values of translation strings in the default language of the account against:

  • Other fields in the account

  • Translation strings in the SuiteApp itself

For a translation string to pass the validation check, there cannot be any translation strings with the same value in the account or in the SuiteApp. If the validation conditions are not met, an error message occurs.

For more information about translation strings,see Manage Translations.

For more information about validations in SDF, see Translation Collection Strings in SuiteCloud Projects.

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General Notices