Creating an Invoice Group
When you enable invoice groups on the customer record, you can set sales orders for invoice grouping by checking the For Invoice Grouping box. When the sales order is invoiced, the invoice is eligible for invoice grouping. When you group invoices, you can do the following actions:
print the invoice group information.
accept payments or apply a credit memo.
use saved searches for invoice group reporting.
You can create an invoice group with a maximum of 100 invoices. If you attempt to group more than 100 invoices, a new invoice group is created. If you require more than 100 invoices per invoice group, contact your account manager.
Invoices are grouped based on the following criteria:
Billing Address
PO # (optional)
After the Invoice Groups feature is enabled and an invoice group has been created, it can no longer be disabled. Before enabling this feature in your production account, it is important to test this feature in your sandbox or release preview account. If you need further assistance, contact your NetSuite account manager.
To create an invoice group:
Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.
Click Edit to open the appropriate customer record.
Click the Financial subtab on the customer record.
Check the Group Invoices box.
When you check the Group Invoices box, all new invoices that are eligible for grouping for this customer appear on the Group Invoices page. If you do not want to group an invoice for this customer, clear the For Invoice Grouping box on the associated invoice.
Tip:Before continuing to step 5, you must create or generate a new invoice that is eligible for grouping. If you mark a sales order for grouping, you can also transform that sales order into an invoice that is eligible for grouping.
Go to Transactions > Sales > Group Invoices to view the list of invoices ready for grouping.
From the Customer list, select the customer for which you want to group invoices. Select All to group invoices for all customers.
If you want to group by purchase order number, check the Grouped by PO # box.
Check the Group box next to the invoices that you want to group.
Note:The Group Indicator column shows you which invoices are grouped together. For example, a list of 10 invoices with two groupings:
Invoices with an indicator number of 1, associated with one purchase order
Invoices with an indicator number of 2, associated with a different purchase order
This example assumes that you are using the Group by PO# criteria.
Click Submit.

The Invoice Group feature does not support custom addresses.
Related Topics
- Invoice Groups Management
- Viewing the Invoice Group Record
- Viewing an Individual Invoice in an Invoice Group
- Adding an Invoice to an Invoice Group
- Removing an Invoice From an Invoice Group
- Grouped Invoices Due Date
- Invoice Groups and Closed Periods
- Accepting Payment for an Invoice Group
- Generating and Printing an Invoice Group PDF
- Invoice Groups and Customer Statements
- Invoice Group Reporting and the A/R Aging Report