Access Representing Entity Records From the Subsidiaries List Page
The Subsidiaries list page also includes a Vendor and a Customer column. These columns provide links to the system-generated representing entity record. In edit mode, these records default to the Standard Intercompany Vendor Form and the Standard Intercompany Customer Form, respectively. The Represents Entity field appears in the record header as a link to the related subsidiary record. The subsidiary record includes the Customer and Vendor fields in the header. These fields provide links to the respective representing entity record.
If you use SuiteTax, the subsidiary record includes the representing entities’ tax information about the Tax Registrations subtab.
In the header of the representing entity record is the Is Autogenerated Representing Entity box. It is checked by default, and dimmed. You can customize the forms, as needed.
You can stop NetSuite from generating and maintaining representing entities by clearing the Automatically Generate Representing Entities preference. This preference is located on the Intercompany Entities subtab on the Intercompany Preferences page. For more information, see Defining Intercompany Preferences.
When you clear this preference, the Is Autogenerated Representing Entity box is automatically cleared on all autogenerated customers and vendors. You can then manually edit, update, and delete them.
The following are the subsidiary record fields that NetSuite syncs with the read-only representing entities fields:
Company Name
Subsidiary list
Currency list
Address -Main and Shipping