Installing NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps

NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps are managed and automatically updated whenever enhancements or new features are available. NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps must be shared with your account before installing them from the SuiteApp Marketplace. Contact your NetSuite representative to request access to these SuiteApps.

To install the NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps, a user with an administrator role must perform the following tasks:

  1. Implement the prerequisites. For more information, see Implementing Prerequisites.

  2. Install the SuiteApps. For more information, see Installing the NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps.

To install the NetSuite CPQ SuiteCommerce Integration extension, see NetSuite CPQ SuiteCommerce Integration.

After installing NetSuite CPQ Configurator or NetSuite CPQ Guided Selling, you should provide access to other employees. For more information, see Providing Access to Employees.

Before starting to work with the NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps, you should also assign NetSuite CPQ custom roles. With custom roles, employees without an administrator role can create and maintain products, catalogs, and document templates. For more information, see Assigning NetSuite CPQ Custom Roles.

Implementing Prerequisites

Before installing any NetSuite CPQ SuiteApp (except the NetSuite CPQ SuiteCommerce Integration), you must enable the required features on your account. For NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing, follow the additional requirements and ensure that your account has manufacturing capabilities.


Implementing the prerequisites for NetSuite CPQ Ecommerce Integration requires NetSuite assistance. Before installing this SuiteApp, contact NetSuite Customer Support.

To enable the required features:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. On the SuiteCloud subtab, enable the following features:

    • Custom Records

    • Client SuiteScript

    • Server SuiteScript

  3. On the Items & Inventory subtab, enable additional features for NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing:

    • Assembly Items

    • Work Orders


    If these options are not available, you must add manufacturing capabilities to your account. Contact your NetSuite representative for more information.

  4. On the Company subtab, enable the Multi-Language feature to include manual translations for custom labels of questions, answers, and so on in NetSuite CPQ Configurator and NetSuite CPQ Guided Selling.

  5. Click Save.

Installing the NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps

After completing the prerequisites, a user with an administrator role can install the NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps from the SuiteApp Marketplace. After installing NetSuite CPQ Configurator, you can install NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing, NetSuite CPQ Ecommerce Integration, NetSuite CPQ Proposal Generator, and NetSuite CPQ SuiteCommerce Integration. NetSuite CPQ Guided Selling can work independently from NetSuite CPQ Configurator.

To install a SuiteApp:

  1. In NetSuite, go to the SuiteApps tab.

  2. In the Search Apps field, enter the name of the NetSuite CPQ SuiteApp you want to install.

    The following SuiteApps are available:

    • NetSuite CPQ Configurator

    • NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing

    • NetSuite CPQ Ecommerce Integration

    • NetSuite CPQ Proposal Generator

    • NetSuite CPQ SuiteCommerce Integration

    • NetSuite CPQ Guided Selling

  3. Click the SuiteApp tile.

  4. On the SuiteApp details page, click Install.


    If the Install button appears dimmed on the SuiteApp details page, the SuiteApp has not been shared with your account. To request access to the SuiteApp, contact your NetSuite representative.

For more information about installing a SuiteApp from the SuiteApp Marketplace, see Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace.

Providing Access to Employees

After installing NetSuite CPQ Configurator or NetSuite CPQ Guided Selling SuiteApps, you (or other users with an administrator role) should provide access to yourself and other employees to launch these SuiteApps from transactions and configure products or search for items.

You can provide access to an employee at Lists > Employees > Employees. On the employee record, go to the Access subtab. Ensure that the Give access box is checked. To provide access to NetSuite CPQ Configurator, check the NetSuite CPQ Config user box . To provide access to NetSuite CPQ Guided Selling, check the NetSuite CPQ GS user box. After setting these options, save the employee record. Enable these options for any employee working with these SuiteApps. When working on sandbox and beta accounts, setting these options is not required. For more information about providing access to employees in NetSuite, see Giving an Employee Access to NetSuite.

Assigning NetSuite CPQ Custom Roles

After installing the NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps, you can assign custom roles to let employees create and maintain products, catalogs, and document templates without requiring an administrator role. The following custom roles are available:

  • CPQ Product Builder – Lets users create and maintain products with NetSuite CPQ Configurator without an administrator role.

  • GS Product Builder – Lets users create and maintain catalogs with NetSuite CPQ Guided Selling without an administrator role.

  • CPQ PropGen Builder – Lets users create and maintain templates with NetSuite CPQ Proposal Generator without an administrator role.

To assign these roles to an employee, go to the Access subtab of the employee record. Then, select these custom roles under the Roles subtab.

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