Scriptable Cart Gift Card Example for SuiteCommerce or SCA

This example shows how to create a script to support a gift card special offer. Specifically, if a shopper buys a gift card worth $50 or more, that order qualifies for free shipping.

To support this special offer, use a non-inventory item for sale with a price of $0 and two transaction column fields, one for the value of the gift card and another for the attached message.

The following sample script illustrates many of the recommendations described in Best Practices for Using Scriptable Cart with SuiteCommerce or SCA. The script shows how to develop a function for a donation item, and then return the custom functions at the end.

          var giftcard_item = new function giftcardItemSC ()
  var self = this;

  self.needsCommit = false;
  self.isProcessing = false;
  self.updateShipping = false;

  /* Returns a Object structure with specific customer item pricing. */
  this.setCustomizationPricing = function ()
    var giftcardRate = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_giftcard_rate')
      , currentRate = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'rate');

    if (giftcardRate && currentRate && (currentRate !== giftcardRate))
      self.updateShipping = true;
      nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'price', '-1', true, true);
      nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'rate', '' + giftcardRate, true, true);
      self.needsCommit = true;

  this.loopAndProcessCartLines = function (type, action)
    if (type === 'item' && action === 'commit')
      var lines = nlapiGetLineItemCount('item');

      for (var i = 1; i <= lines; i++)
        nlapiSelectLineItem('item', i);

        if (self.needsCommit)
          self.needsCommit = false;

  this.hasGiftCardItem = function ()
    var lines = nlapiGetLineItemCount('item')
      , i = 1
      , has = false
      , giftcardRate;

    while (i <= lines && !has)
      giftcardRate = nlapiGetLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_giftcard_rate', i);
      has = giftcardRate !== '' && parseFloat(giftcardRate) !== 0 && parseFloat(giftcardRate) >= 50;

    return has;

  return {
    recalc: function (type, action)
      if (nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext() !== 'webstore') return true
      if (self.isProcessing) return

      self.isProcessing = true;
      self.loopAndProcessCartLines(type, action);
      self.isProcessing = false;

      return true

  , validateLine: function (type)
      if (nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext() !== 'webstore') return true

      if (type !== 'item') return true

      var giftcardRate = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_giftcard_rate');

      if ((nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'item') === '4500') && (giftcardRate === '' || parseFloat(giftcardRate) === 0))
        alert('Please enter a GiftCard Amount.');
        return false

      return true

  , fieldChange: function (type, name, linenum)
      if (nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext() !== 'webstore') return true

      if (name === 'shipmethod' || name === 'rate')
        if (self.isProcessing && !self.updateShipping) return true;

        if (self.hasGiftCardItem())
          self.isProcessing = true;
          self.updateShipping = false;
          nlapiSetFieldValue('shippingcost', 0, true, true);
          self.isProcessing = false;

  , postSourcing: function (type, name)
      if (nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext() !== 'webstore') return true

      if (name === 'shippingtaxcode')
        if (self.hasGiftCardItem())
          if (self.isProcessing) return true

          self.isProcessing = true;
          nlapiSetFieldValue('shippingtax1rate', 0, true, true);
          self.isProcessing = false;


Note that in this example, you create a variable called gitcard_item, so when you update the record for this script in NetSuite, you need to reference the method names using this name. For example, instead of simply entering recalc in the record's Recalc Function field, you need to enter gitcard_item.recalc, because these are being returned by the function.

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