Changing Financial Account Name Aliases
In Planning and Budgeting, you can change an account's alias name to better describe the account member. Aliases are alternate names for database member names.
To change an account's alias name in Planning and Budgeting:
Click the Navigator icon
, and then select Overview.
Click the Dimensions tab.
Click the Account link.
The Edit Member Properties window displays.
To drill down to the numbered account-level, click the Expand icons
to expand the rows.
The following screenshot shows a sample Edit Member Properties window, drilled down to the 1011 account row:
Select the desired account to highlight the row of that Account.
Use the horizontal scroll bar to scroll to the right until you see the Default Alias Table column.
Click the data cell that intersects the account row and Default Alias Table column, and then update the account name.
Click Save to return to the Application page.
Refresh the database to ensure your changes are implemented:
Click Actions, and then select Refresh Database.
Click RefreshPlanCube.
The Refresh Database window displays.
Click Refresh Database.
A warning message displays. Click Refresh.
Wait for the refresh to complete, and then click Finish. Alternatively, you can click Run in Background.