Uploading Data Using CSV in the Quality Management Tablet Interface

When you open an inspection that requires sampling of more than 25 samples, the table entry icons displayed in the tablet are replaced by the CSV upload (CSV Upload) and download (CSV Download) icons.

To configure the row count threshold to enable the CSV upload option for sample data, see Configuring Sample Row Threshold for CSV.

Follow this procedure to upload data using CSV in the tablet interface.

To upload data using CSV in the Quality Management tablet interface:

  1. To download the pre-formatted Excel template, click the download icon (CSV Upload).

  2. Enter your sample data into the template.

  3. To launch the tablet file browser to upload the Excel document directly to NetSuite, click the upload icon (CSV Download) .

    The Excel file processing occurs in NetSuite. The tablet responds to the next inspection.

The pre-formatted CSV Excel document contains sample data fields that are required for your inspection. For example, a Sample Weight (kg) field, Integer field, Text field, and a Boolean field. The first column is populated with number of samples that are expected based on your inspection definition. If your configured inspection requires sampling of 57 samples, the column displays up to number 57.

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