Change to SuiteAnalytics Connect and SOAP Web Services Fields

Prior to 2023.2, when you worked with SuiteAnalytics Connect or SOAP web services, you could use the parent field of the AccountingPeriod record type in your queries. As of 2023.2, the parent field of the AccountingPeriod record type is available only if the Multiple Calendars feature is disabled. If the Multiple Calendars feature is enabled, use the parent field of the AccountingPeriodFiscalCalendars record type instead.

If you do not change your Connect queries and SOAP web services requests before upgrading to 2023.2, they may stop working.


If you use SuiteAnalytics Connect, this change applies to the schema available through only.

The following samples illustrate what your Connect queries and SOAP web services requests and responses should look like after this change occurs.

Sample SuiteAnalytics Connect Query

FROM PeriodFiscalCalendars, AccountingPeriod, FiscalCalendar
WHERE FiscalCalendar =
AND FiscalCalendar.isDefault = 'T'
AND PeriodFiscalCalendars.AccountingPeriod =
ORDER BY StartDate, endDate DESC 


Sample SOAP Web Services Request

            </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <platformMsgs:get> <platformMsgs:baseRef xsi:type="platformCore:RecordRef" internalId="3" type="accountingPeriod" /> </platformMsgs:get> </soap:Body>


Sample SOAP Web Services Response with the Multiple Calendars feature Disabled

            <soapenv:Body> <getResponse xmlns=""> <readResponse> <platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore=""/> <record internalId="3" xsi:type="listAcct:AccountingPeriod" xmlns:listAcct=""> <listAcct:periodName>Jan 2014</listAcct:periodName> <listAcct:parent internalId="2" xmlns:platformCore=""> <platformCore:name>Q1 2014</platformCore:name> </listAcct:parent> ... </record> </readResponse> </getResponse> </soapenv:Body> 


Sample SOAP Web Services Response with the Multiple Calendars feature Enabled

            <soapenv:Body> <getResponse xmlns=""> <readResponse> <platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore=""/> <record internalId="3" xsi:type="listAcct:AccountingPeriod" xmlns:listAcct=""> <listAcct:periodName>Jan 2014</listAcct:periodName> ... <listAcct:fiscalCalendarsList> <listAcct:accountingPeriodFiscalCalendars> <listAcct:fiscalCalendar internalId="1" xmlns:platformCore=""> <platformCore:name>Standard Fiscal Calendar</platformCore:name> </listAcct:fiscalCalendar> <listAcct:parent internalId="2" xmlns:platformCore=""> <platformCore:name>Q1 2014</platformCore:name> </listAcct:parent> </listAcct:accountingPeriodFiscalCalendars> </listAcct:fiscalCalendarsList> ... </record> </readResponse> </getResponse> 


You should check your existing Connect queries and SOAP web services requests and make any adjustments as needed.

For more information about the record types and fields available for the data source through SuiteAnalytics Connect, see Finding Record Type and Field Names.

For more information about the records, sublists, and other objects available in SOAP web services, see SuiteTalk SOAP Schema Browser.

General Notices