Customizing Your Report Schema

Tax Reports need two files to be completed for you to be able to generate your report using Tax Reporting Framework.

The following are the files you need to customize:

Source for Summary

There are 6 types of sources that Tax Reporting Framework supports:




Uses N/record.load to load NetSuite or Custom Record, use this type if you are expecting only 1 result, this can be filtered by recordid.


Uses N/config to load account configuration like Company Information.


Uses N/search, use this type if you are expecting > 1 result.


Uses a combination of N/task and N/search, use this type if you are expecting large amount of data, this performs faster than savedsearch type.


Uses N/query, use this query if you are expecting > 1 result.


Uses a combination of N/task and N/query, use this type if you are expecting large amount of data, this performs faster than savedsearch type.

There are two required record type sources: subsidiary and company. These sources are used to load company information.

Sample Code for Source

The following is sample code for source:

    "id": "subsidiary",
    "type": "record",
    "recordtype": "subsidiary",
    "recordid": "",
    "fields": ["name", "federalidnumber"],
    "features": ["SUBSIDIARIES"],
    "sublistfields": [
            "name": "taxregistration",
            "fields": [
    "id": "company",
    "type": "config",
    "recordtype": "companyinformation",
    "fields": ["employerid", "companyname"],
    "sublistfields": [
            "name": "taxregistration",
            "fields": [


Sample Code for VAT Reports

    "id": "vat_salesdetails",
    "type": "savedsearch",
    "internalid": "customsearch_str_salesbytaxcode_sum",
    "processor": {
        "type": "scheduled",
        "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxreports/src/app/processor/VATSearchProcessor",
        "limits": {
            "searchresult": 100000,
            "period": "monthly"
        "params": { "type": "SALE" }
    "id": "vat_purchasedetails",
    "type": "savedsearch",
    "internalid": "customsearch_str_purchasesbytaxcode_sum",
    "processor": {
        "type": "scheduled",
        "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxreports/src/app/processor/VATSearchProcessor",
        "limits": {
            "searchresult": 100000,
            "period": "monthly"
        "params": { "type": "PURCHASE" }
    "id": "vat_journaldetails",
    "type": "savedsearch",
    "internalid": "customsearch_str_journalsbytaxcode_sum",
    "processor": {
        "type": "scheduled",
        "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxreports/src/app/processor/VATJournalSearchProcessor",
        "limits": {
            "searchresult": 100000,
            "period": "monthly"
    "id": "vat_accountdrivendetails",
    "type": "savedsearch",
    "internalid": "customsearch_str_accountdriventrans_sum",
    "processor": {
        "type": "scheduled",
        "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxreports/src/app/processor/TransactionSearchProcessor",
        "limits": {
            "searchresult": 100000,
            "period": "monthly"


Sample Code for Tax Audit Files

The following is sample code for Tax Audit Files:

    "id": "transactions",
    "type": "savedsearch",
    "internalid": "customsearch_str_taf_fr_fec",
    "filters": [
            "name": "subsidiary",
            "operator": "is",
            "values": "",
            "features": ["SUBSIDIARIES"]
            "name": "internalid",
            "operator": "anyof",
            "join": "accountingperiod",
            "values": ""
            "join": "account",
            "name": "accountingcontext",
            "operator": "is",
            "values": "",
            "features": ["SUBSIDIARIES"]
            "join": "account",
            "name": "locale",
            "operator": "is",
            "values": ""
    "processor": {
        "type": "scheduled",
        "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxauditfiles/src/processors/pre/FR/FECSearchProcessor"
    "validator": {
        "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxreports/src/app/service/GLAuditNumberingService",
        "method": "checkGLNumbering"


Your Data in Summary


For Tax Audit Files, fields defined here are used in the final output of the report.

Sample Code for VAT Reports

Your data nodes from both Summary and Detail schema files should have the same selectors. However, Summary data have groupings under their field nodes.

                "id": "box1",
            "source": ["vat_salesdetails"],
            "field": [
                    "id": "netamount",
                    "value": "netamount",
                    "summarytype": "sum"
                    "id": "taxamount",
                    "value": "taxamount",
                    "summarytype": "sum"
            "selector": {
                "$and": [
                    { "taxcode": { "$in": ["US_SR", "US_RR"] } },
                    { "txnType": { "$eq": "Domestic Sales" } },
                    { "type": { "$in": ["CustInvc", "CashSale", "CustCred"] } }


The Summary has a required DataFieldDefinition with ID report_data of type DERIVED. The report_data data field will be used as the data source for your template.

    "id": "report_data",
    "type": "DERIVED",
    "field": [
            "id": "box1",
            "value": "box1.netamount + box1.taxamount"
            "id": "box1_netamount",//box[x]_[netamount|taxamount] are required by STR Drilldown
            "value": "box1.netamount"
            "id": "box1_taxamount",
            "value": "box1.taxamount"
            "id": "box2",
            "value": "box2.netamount + box2.taxamount"
            "id": "box3",
            "value": "abs(box1.netamount - box2.netamount)"
            "id": "box4",
            "value": "round(box1.taxamount - box2.taxamount, 2)"
            "id": "box5",
            "value": "IF(this.box4 > 0, this.box4, 0)"


Sample Code for Tax Audit Files

The following is sample code for report_data DataFieldDefinition node for Tax Audit Files:

    "id": "transactions",
    "source": ["transactions"],
    "field": [
            "id": "type",
            "value": "type",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "typetext",
            "value": "typetext",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "glnumber",
            "value": "glnumber",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "glnumberdate",
            "value": "glnumberdate",
            "type": "date"
            "id": "accnumber",
            "value": "accnumber",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "accname",
            "value": "accname",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "entityId",
            "value": "entityId",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "entityName",
            "value": "entityName",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "type",
            "value": "type",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "tranid",
            "value": "tranid",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "docdate",
            "value": "docdate",
            "type": "date"
            "id": "memo",
            "value": "memo",
            "type": "string"
            "id": "debit",
            "value": "debit",
            "type": "number"
            "id": "credit",
            "value": "credit",
            "type": "number"
            "id": "trandate",
            "value": "trandate",
            "type": "date"
            "id": "fxamount",
            "value": "fxamount",
            "type": "number"
            "id": "currencytext",
            "value": "currencytext",
            "type": "string"


Meta file: <report type>_<name>_META.json. This contains attributes that would determine how TRF handles report generation, configuration, preference, and export processes. See the TAF_SEARCH.json or TAF_SQUITEQL.json file in the CTR Project folder for a sample. See Customizing the Meta File for more information.

These files are part of the project files that are copied from the CTR ZIP file. The sample files have sample code that you can follow in customizing these files for your report. You should make copies of these files from the CTR ZIP file.

Details Schema Type for VAT Reports

This contains attributes that determine how TRF generates your VAT Drilldown reports.


This should be the same as the node in the Summary schema file.


There are 4 built-in sources for Details, each of them corresponding to each entry in the Summary sources for VAT reports.

            "id": "vat_salesdetails_drilldown",
            "type": "savedsearch",
            "internalid": "customsearch_str_salesbytaxcode_details",
            "filters": "STR_BASE_TRANSACTION_FILTERS",
            "processor": {
                "type": "scheduled",
                "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxreports/src/app/processor/VATDetailsSearchProcessor",
                "limits": {
                    "searchresult": 100000,
                    "period": "monthly"
                "params": { "type": "SALE" }
            "id": "vat_purchasedetails_drilldown",
            "type": "savedsearch",
            "internalid": "customsearch_str_purcbytaxcode_details",
            "filters": "STR_BASE_TRANSACTION_FILTERS",
            "processor": {
                "type": "scheduled",
                "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxreports/src/app/processor/VATDetailsSearchProcessor",
                "limits": {
                    "searchresult": 100000,
                    "period": "monthly"
                "params": { "type": "PURCHASE" }
            "id": "vat_journaldetails_drilldown",
            "type": "savedsearch",
            "internalid": "customsearch_str_jrnlsbytaxcode_detail",
            "filters": "STR_BASE_TRANSACTION_FILTERS",
            "processor": {
                "type": "scheduled",
                "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxreports/src/app/processor/VATJournalDetailsSearchProcessor",
                "limits": {
                    "searchresult": 100000,
                    "period": "monthly"
            "id": "vat_accountdrivendetails_drilldown",
            "type": "savedsearch",
            "internalid": "customsearch_str_accountdriventrans_det",
            "filters": "STR_VAT_ACCOUNT_DRIVEN_FILTERS",
            "processor": {
                "type": "scheduled",
                "script": "SuiteApps/com.netsuite.suitetaxreports/src/app/processor/TransactionDetailsSearchProcessor",
                "limits": {
                    "searchresult": 100000,
                    "period": "monthly"



Details data nodes should have the same selector as their corresponding summary data nodes. For combined boxes, you can also use the CONCAT type data node.

            "id": "box1",
            "source": ["vat_salesdetails_drilldown"],
            "selector": {
                "$and": [
                        "taxcode": {
                            "$in": ["US_RR"]
                    { "txnType": { "$eq": "Domestic Sales" } },
                    { "type": { "$in": ["CustInvc", "CashSale", "CustCred"] } }
            "id": "box2",
            "source": ["vat_purchasedetails_drilldown"],
            "selector": {
                "$and": [
                    { "taxcode": { "$eq": "US_SR" } },
                    { "txnType": { "$eq": "Domestic Sales" } },
                    { "type": { "$in": ["VendBill", "VendCred"] } }
            "sort": "VAT_DRILLDOWN_SORT"
            "id": "box3",
            "type": "CONCAT",
            "data": ["box1", "box2"],
            "sort": "VAT_DRILLDOWN_SORT"


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General Notices