Exporting and Submitting Finland VAT Return


This content is about Finland tax reports for accounts with SuiteTax. For content relevant for accounts without SuiteTax, see Finland Help Topics.

You can export the Finland VAT Return report in PDF, TXT, and XLS formats. Currently, Finnish Tax Administration accepts submissions in TXT format. Currently, Finnish Tax Administration accepts submissions in TXT format.


When opening an exported XLS file in Microsoft Excel, you may receive a warning message about potential corruption or safety issues, and be asked if you want to proceed. The warning is a standard response and in no way suggests the file is in any way compromised. You can safely open and edit the file.

In TXT file the VAT No. value is displayed in its Business ID format. For example, if the VAT No. is FI01234567, the value in the TXT file will be 0123456-7.

For more information about exporting reports, see Exporting a Country Tax Report.

After you have exported the generated report, you can submit it to Finnish Tax Administration (Vero Skatt) using the official website.

General Notices