Workforce Management Security Overview

With Workforce Management (WFM), you can streamline shift scheduling, capture time and attendance across your workforce, and calculate wage. You may use WFM to access, enter, and share employee and shift data across different platforms.


You can access WFM features and data using the following applications:

  • Workforce Management SuiteApp

  • Stand-alone WFM website

  • SuitePeople Time Clock for Windows

  • WFM apps

    • NetSuite Workforce Management for Android and iOS

    • NetSuite Time Clock for Android and iPadOS

Operating Systems and Minimum Requirements

Refer to the following help topics:

Roles and Permissions

After the Workforce Management SuiteApp is installed to a NetSuite account, users may access WFM features using the Accounting Center or Employee Center roles. WFM also provides the SuitePeople WFM Integration role for users who will be setting up an integration.

If employees need to provide access to other roles, WFM permissions must be added on those roles. For more information, see Assigning WFM Permissions to Roles.

Personal Information

The following table shows personal identifiable information captured and processed in WFM solutions.

Personal Information

Specific Data

Personal details

Name, date of birth, gender, marital status, number of children, names of children

Personal contact details

Home address, home telephone or mobile number, e-mail address, password, pin code

Photos or images

Profile images and punch-in images

Employee ID

Employee or staff ID


Salary and rates

Web attributes

IP addresses and visited pages

Electronic identifiers

Platform name, version, model, device fingerprint, and host operating system


GPS coordinates

Biometric Data

Time Clock for Windows can be configured to capture and record biometric data, specifically fingerprints, for employee punch-in.

Security Settings

You can enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to add a layer of security to your account.

  • To enable 2FA for the WFM SuiteApp and stand-alone website, refer to Security Settings in WFM.

  • To enable 2FA for Time Clock for Windows, refer to Enabling Two-Factor Authentication in SuitePeople Time Clock for Windows.

Punch-in Authentication Methods

WFM provides multiple methods to authenticate users. Employees may punch in using pin code only, finger scan only, either a pin or finger scan, or both methods.

Authentication options may differ across different applications and locations. In some locations, employees may be restricted to specific authentication methods to allow for regulatory compliance.

In Time Clock for Windows, managers can configure authentication methods for employees. For more information, see Managing Settings in SuitePeople Time Clock for Windows.

Time Clock Device Activation

Installing SuitePeople Time Clock require managers to generate an activation code for each device where it will be added. Activation codes are generated on the WFM SuiteApp or stand-alone website. Similarly, devices can also be deactivated on the SuiteApp or site.

Product and Security Updates

WFM product enhancements that relate to security may be announced to affected customers using proactive feature change notifications, in-app notifications, release notes, SuiteAnswers announcements, and the NetSuite and Oracle Help Center.

General Notices