Configuration Pitfalls
Formula Text Character Limits
Searches that manipulate text area fields containing large amounts of text will throw an Unexpected Error. There is an undocumented 4000 character limit when manipulating these values in a formula. Best practice is to truncate the string before manipulating it.
This search will error if any task has a message field and case details field that has a total of more than 4000 characters.'task', true, 'formulatext:substr({message}||{case.custevent_nx_case_details},1,1000)')
This search will work because the fields were truncated before concatenating them.'task', true, 'formulatext:substr({message},1,1000)||substr({case.custevent_nx_case_details},1,1000)')
Regular Expression Character Limits
Regular Expression patterns used in search formulas have a 512 character limit. See the Oracle®Database SQL Reference docs pages for REGEXP_LIKE. Exceeding this limit will result in a FORMULA_ERROR