NSPOS 2020.1.12 E-fix Notes
This document lists the updates provided in NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) version 2020.1.12. The enhancements/fixes listed here are not available to NSPOS customers until they have upgraded to this version. NetSuite will modify these notes when needed to provide our customers with additional information.
Server Update – No Manual Steps Needed
This e-fix is an integration update to your server. It is deployed automatically to customers who are currently on NSPOS version 2020.1.X. The e-fix does not contain a new version of the NSPOS application or bundle.
You can verify if this e-fix has been deployed to your server by viewing the Replication Server Version on an RA-Workstation record. With the update, it will show 2020.1.12.

Note on Server/Workstation Versions after E-fix Deployment
Because the fix affects the server only, after the upgrade you might notice different version numbers between a workstation (register) and its NetSuite ERP > RA-Workstation record. This is a result of the server update and does not affect register operations or status.
Also fixed
This e-fix also corrects these issues:
Unnecessary downsyncs triggered by changes to non-NSPOS items – changes made in NetSuite ERP to items not sold through NSPOS were replicating to NSPOS registers. This replication downsync was not needed for NSPOS transactions.
Staging failure due to synchronization-step timeout – in some instances, staging to NSPOS 2020.1.X failed to complete due to timing-out during the synchronization phase. (Issue 697578)