Email Domains (DKIM) Details Column

You may see the following messages in the Details column on the Email Domains (DKIM) subtab.

For more information about the statuses that can be displayed, see Email Domains (DKIM) Status Column.


No messages are displayed in the Details column when the Status is Pending Verification.


Details Message


Requires Action

Please ensure that DNS records are correctly configured.

Indicates that no valid DNS records can be found for this domain. You should add CNAME records to DNS at your domain provider's website.


This email domain is currently configured with a TXT record in DNS. Do not delete the TXT record, but please create additional CNAME records for this domain with your domain provider.

Alerts you that you should add CNAME records to DNS at your domain provider's website.


You will also see a Warning banner on the Email Preferences page.


The email domain <> is used by other NetSuite accounts. Please contact NetSuite Customer Support if you need to modify this DKIM configuration.

Appears in the main (or parent) account when email domains are shared between NetSuite accounts. The message is only for information, serving as a reminder that the domain is shared. If any changes are needed, you must contact NetSuite Customer Support.

Requires Action

The email domain <> is already in use in another account. If you think you are entitled to use that domain with this account, please contact NetSuite Customer Support if you need to modify this DKIM configuration.

Appears in an account when someone tries to add an email domain that is a shared with other accounts without first contacting NetSuite Customer Support. To add a shared domain in your NetSuite account, you must contact NetSuite Customer Support.

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General Notices