SII Reports

SII reports have a single builder and preprocessor couple that provides the list of tax lines to be included in the report. Based on the selected report, there are the following couples:

  1. Builder: builders/sii/SiiRegistrationIssuedBuilder

    Preprocessor: processors/sii/SiiIssuedPreProcesso r

    These are used for the registration of issued invoices.

  2. Builder: builders/sii/SiiCorrectionIssuedBuilderwith

    Preprocessor: processors/sii/SiiIssuedPreProcessor

    These are used for the correction of issued invoices.

  3. Builder: builders/sii/SiiRegistrationReceivedBuilder

    Preprocessor: processors/sii/SiiReceivedPreProcessor

    These are used for the registration of received invoices.

  4. Builder: builders/sii/SiiCorrectionReceivedBuilder

    Prfeprocessor: processors/sii/SiiReceivedPreProcessor

    These are used for the correction of received invoices.

Each report has one of the following dedicated postprocessors that provides the list of transactions included in the report:

Because these reports do not have any detail views, and because they use the direct output of their postprocessors to evaluate their templates, they do not have any further builders or processors.

General Notices